For many people, driving is something we do every day. It feels totally normal, and for most of us, it is our main form of transportation. Because driving is such a huge part of our everyday lives, we don’t often worry about it. In reality, car accidents happen more than we would like to think. As a result, it is important to know what to do in the event of a car accident. Read on to learn more about accidents in Texas and what steps you should take if you are involved in one.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents?
Car accidents can be caused by any number of factors, such as inclement weather conditions, poor road conditions, negligent road design, or even faulty or defective car parts. However, the most common cause of car accidents is driver negligence. Some examples of driver negligence include:
Driving while drowsy or fatigued
Distracted driving
Texting while driving
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Driving aggressively or recklessly
Eating or smoking while driving
Excessively speeding
Failing to comply with traffic lights, signs, and other rules of the road
What Should I Do if I Am Involved in A Car Accident?
When a car accident occurs, the other party may attempt to talk you out of calling the police. But, it is important that you make the call. The police can help to direct traffic around the wreckage, keeping other cars on the road safe. In addition to this, they can draft an official report, take statements from witnesses, and conduct chemical tests. This information can be helpful when it comes to filing a claim with your insurance company.
It is important to go to the hospital and get your injuries checked out. This may feel unnecessary, but you should go anyway. Sometimes, you can be injured without realizing it, or sustain an injury that begins to affect you days or even weeks later.
If possible, take photos and videos of the damage to your car, as well as the road and weather conditions. It will also help to obtain the contact information of anyone who witnessed the accident occur.
If you or a loved one is involved in a car accident in Texas, contact our firm today. We want to fight for you to receive the compensation you deserve.
Contact Our Experienced Texas Firm
No matter your circumstances, if you have been injured in a car accident in Texas, you need not suffer alone–our firm is here to help you through every step of the legal process so that you can focus solely on what matters most: healing, so you can live a happy, productive life for years to come. If you are ready to move forward with your personal injury claim, all you have to do is reach out to The Law Offices of Steve Brannan today and we will begin the claims process.